I was home this week taking care of a sick kiddo with strep throat. There isn't anything worse for a mommy than when her baby is sick. Although my munchkin drives me up a wall with her strong-willed personality and 24/7 sass, I really missed my firecracker as I watch her lay miserable from the pain. I knew she began feeling better today when she began talking a mile a minute (which is the norm), wanting to play, and to eat. So Miss Aubree is just about back to herself and I'm so happy the strep throat is quickly healing. Confined to my home, I did manage to make a couple of Fall crafts.
A wreath for my door "Harvest Greetings"
and a polka dot pumpkin for the porch (pic coming soon)
Oh! How can I forget?! We had new carpet installed earlier this week! We are retraining the pups to potty outside. We have had more than a few accidents with the two of them. No more free rein over the house in the evening. They only have access to our bedroom and hallway.

We have done a ton to the game room "man cave" and front yard but I've yet to take pics and blog about it. Hopefully that happens this weekend. (fingers crossed!)