Latest Kitchen makeover pictures! (See other Kitchen posts to see the progress we've made!)
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Removing Wall Before/During/After
My Dad & Stepmom helping us remove the wall
What's next? 1.Granite Countertops (installed in less than 2 weeks) 2.Removing that 60's tile backsplash and replacing with a modern backsplash 3.Wall color. Planning to go with "High Noon" which is a blue color 4.Dark hardwood floors 5.Center Island 6.Faux ceiling beams (dark wood) 7.Remove wall 8.Cabinet molding 9.Crown molding 10.New window
We spend the most time here as a family, so naturally I wanted something cozy and relaxing. Here are some of the latest photos (taken with my not the best lighting). It's almost been a year since we moved in!